Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Teachers' Day FTW

HEHEHEHE. Went out with my primary school friends today :O
I feel so tall around them :D
Hahaha, we should invite Monk Gyatso to blog too~

Monday, August 30, 2010

teacher's day :D

Life is Unfair.
i hope i dun havve tuition tmr. i wanna go back to the air temples to visit all my teachers and frewns :D haha. !!!!!! yay kuo chuan!!!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Aiyo... I hate my results...

Life is Unfair.

I almost failed my English...
Azula, dun just cuz of this Test den cry le... Its only the CA2 , there's always still the end of year Exams. Juz do well for that den can le XD (Y)

Friday, August 27, 2010


OHMYGAWD. I cant believe I actually cried because of my English -.-
Aiya, crazy lah. Sure die soon.

Sentosa Is The Best~

Hahaha, some awesome fun yesterday at Siloso beach :O Spent the day bouncing in the water and getting lame cuts from hidden rocks in the ground -.-ll
We buried Kevan and gave him sand boobs :D

Thursday, August 26, 2010

A Day Out

Life is Unfair.

Todae, I went to Sentosa with 4 of my Closest Friends. It was an awesome day xD. Hahas, especially when burying Kevan in the sand. Hope Kevan's 1st time to Sentosa was a memorable one xD (Y)


Awesome, look at this picture.... Ah, maybe I found my passion for gundam again :D

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Maths Results FTW!!

Life is Unfair.

Finally got an A1 for this semester... 38.5/40 AWESOME!!!!

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Chinese Results Out !

Life is Unfair.

Azula with a score of 61/90
Fire Lord Ozai with a score of 62/90
Zuko with a GAY score of 67.5/90
Missed my A2 by 1 mark... =3



Monday, August 23, 2010

Tssskkk Maths...

Life is Unfair.

Aiyo tmr Maths paper sia... dunno y nowadays my maths so CMI... How to study maths arh??!!!

Sunday, August 22, 2010


Chinese is so easy, (Y)
Yay, Ozai and me are gonna study at Bishan tmr again! Awesomezxc :D
I go mug for Science, Bye!

Chionging Chinese~

Life is Unfair.

I won't be active on my com from now till mayb 2 am? I will be chionging my chinese. So if gt anything juz call my handphone xD . Gd Luck all for tmr tests !!!! x3

A Bad Day

Life is Unfair.

Todae, i fell sick... DAM I HATE HEADACHES

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Looking on the bright side of life.

Life is Unfair.

YAY! I stayed in church till 12 am to play soccer in the social hall. AWESOME
Oh yea, this is for my cousin (ONG). Give up on that guy le larh... U noe he gt Gf le still dun wan fang qi. =3

I was Wrong

Life is Unfair.

Turn out we didn't even go out to eat durian fried rice cuz my cousin NO $$... Now need to wait till nxt week den can eat. Sian...

Friday, August 20, 2010

Studying FTW

Life is Unfair.

Currently at Azula's House. Studying for Chem n Physics . SIAN...
Lata going out eat Durian Fried Rice YAY!! =3

Thursday, August 19, 2010

No Story of the Day Todae~

Life is Unfair.

I have no time to compose anther great story today. So I will have to leave it till my exams are over. :D

Firelord Zuko :P

Look at me. Muahahaha! (Y)
And yes, they are gonna let a teenager run a country!

Miie ~ No Time to Play Now

Life is Unfair.

The common tests starts tmr, so I won't be playing anymore. 5 hours of mugging Geography Here I Come. Good Luck to everyone taking the test tmr =3

Minor injuries shall not bring me down...

Yay. Scratches on my arms are sexy... Thanks to Ozai and Zuzu persistent shoutings for me to climb up and sit on the 20m structure in school. And I have blisters too! How awesome is it :D Gonna study for Geog tmr, BYE.

Life is not unfair.

Ozai is just mean. She banished azula's and my mother away
sigh....so cruel

Ur Mother

Life is Unfair.

Your mother did the most amazing thing to protect you Zuko. She was even willing to banish herself in order to save u.


Our old and evil father banished our mother ;(
So sad...I miss her


Wowowow, look at Nat, so awesome :D Hahaha, I have nothing much to write about her except that she's damn flexible and fast lor. Can pokie pokie other people then make them paralysed, so cool~

Look at Adam!

Muahahaha, look at Adam, so goofy yet "intelligent". But the second characteristic doesn't really fit Adam I think :D Muahahaha, Zuzu has to learn fire bending from an old uncle :)

P.S. I wonder wads he's looking at O.O

Look at me! :D

Look at me... Even when I was so young, I looked so cute yet dominating at the same time. MUAHAHAHA, stupid barbie! I hate barbies... I want to kick my father's ass in Agnikai~

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Look at ZuZu

Life is Unfair.

Hahas look at my son Zuko. How adorable xD.


bleh. again.

okay, how many stories of the day are we going to have? I'm now learning from aang how to take bending powers away, so i can take azula's firebending and own her! muahahahaha (Y) haha jk. geog is real easy. My father, so called "firelord ozai" is about 12 pencils tall and weighs approximately 1915 pebbles. i know right! thats real short and heavy. lets continue studying. ptttf.

Signing off, Zuko

hai thr .

LOL . WHAT FAILEDDDD . D: is the skin fail . im still as zaii as ever . (Y)



Life is Unfair.

Hahaha, today's library was funnn! Nat tried to edit the theme but failed :D Who cares, I think the current theme is much nicer :D Gonna print out my Geog notes nao~

Story of the Day

Life is Unfair.

Life was crucial and pain for this particular girl. Living each day was like living an extra day in hell but life still has to go on. One day, the girl could not take it anymore and she decided to seek help. She was told to visit a Man who was so powerful that he could take away memories that were painful and could let her lead a more meaningful life. When she arrived at the Man's House. She gave a the man a pitiful look and the Man took pity on her. He decided to change her life for the better and gave her new hopes in life. How could a Human Being do such a thing?? This man was no ordinary Man... He was the Miracle Worker =3

I was Right!

Life is Unfair.

Todae my judgement of the library was correct. I knew i wouldn't study much, turns out i was only there to teach Azula... Solo studying still works best for me =3
But It was really fun at the library xD


trying to blend in with the fireworld[the world after firenation conquered all] i attend fire school. i think they want us to fail. cause thats wat i think will happen to me :( if only i can go into avatar state in exams and get all the knowledge from past avatars to pass :(

Library! HAHAHA.

Hello people! haha, Ozai is beside me now! Haha, looks like we're gonna stay here for many hours :D

Library FTW

Life is Unfair.

Currently in the library with Azula. We will be studying in a while. Cheers to Our TEST RESULTS ~ =3 Having a dam Sore throat now. Its a pain to talk now ~ xD My mac running on reserve batt now so GTG cyas~

Together, we are One.

Look at us. So dominating, Jeremy is in the middle acting so awesome, I am using fire power to boost and Brendan is so cool looking. Together, no one can make us fall...

The Epic One.

Ahhh, look at me, using fire to move about shooting out fire at everyone. Ain't I awesome? :D

Prince Zuko a.k.a Zuzu

The Traitor.
Look at my lovely brother Zuko, he's so uncool, from evil turn to good, such a traitor in the Fire Nation... hmm, perhaps he shouldn't be part of the royal family at all :D

Jeremy Hee a.k.a Ozai

Oooh, look at Jeremy's Sexiness! Too bad he is evil like hell :D Muahaha, soon me or my brother Zuzu is gonna duel in Agnikai for the place in the throne, LETS HOPE OZAI DIES QUICKLY~

Life is Unfair.

Hello! Haha, we had PE today, and I played like a total nerd, pulling my pants up super duper high :D Whee, Ozai is teaching me Chemistry today at Bishan Library! Shocker right, selfish people wouldn't usually teach people :D
Life is Unfair.

Today, I decided to go study with Azula at Bishan Libray.
I have a feeling it will screw up but its Ok~~ =3
Life is always unfair.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Joseph is so cute~

Look at Joseph! Haha Jo, you look really cute in the Avatar State. When do ya wanna learn Firebending? You know, you're gonna have to call me Shifu :D

Okay, stop about the Avatar thingy~

Can we stop on the Avatar story? Its gonna take up months to post it :O

The avatar appears

Brrrrrr..... so cold. just came out of the iceberg. appa has a cold :( poor buddy :( anyways, i met these really nice people called katara and sokka. katara was really nice. but sokka. ehm... was really _____. :D anyways we were all in katara's village when this mean person called zuko came and kidnap me. i think thats not really nice :(
anyways, this is me, AVATAR aang signing out :D haha
(wish me luck on my training of the elements :D)

Story of the Day

There once was a boy who was really sick and needed help. Whatever doctor he went to, they could not cure him. Rumors was spreading that there was a man who could cure anything. One day the Boy went to find this mysterious man and True enough. The boy was cured. That man was then known as the Miracle Worker. =3

First post FTW!

Haha, hies all, this is Azula a.k.a Ryan :D

From now on, we are known as The Fire Nation.

Jeremy Hee is FireLord Ozai,
Ryan Chin is Azula,
Brendan Tan is Zuko/Zuzu(so cute) :D

From now on, we hope to post new stuff everyday! HAHAHAHA.

How we owned the other Nations

My daughter and I went forth and confronted many army generals from other Nations. But they were.... ermmm ,how do i say it now.... Oh yea. Noob and could not match up to either of us.
So they place all their hopes on finding the Avatar so that he might be able to end the war...