Tuesday, September 28, 2010

A Smile A DAY (JOKE)

Life is Unfair.

Todae before the the chinese test was given out.

Yan Hern said " I smell the smell of good grades!"
Jeremy replied " Wth... I just farted ."

Yan Hern looked around awkwardly.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Yay, like finally!

Thats probably the first time I ever like IT lessons :O
Hahaha, Jeremy and I started a new crew :D
Bird.Eats.Shit.Team. CREW.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Teachers' Day FTW

HEHEHEHE. Went out with my primary school friends today :O
I feel so tall around them :D
Hahaha, we should invite Monk Gyatso to blog too~

Monday, August 30, 2010

teacher's day :D

Life is Unfair.
i hope i dun havve tuition tmr. i wanna go back to the air temples to visit all my teachers and frewns :D haha. !!!!!! yay kuo chuan!!!!

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Aiyo... I hate my results...

Life is Unfair.

I almost failed my English...
Azula, dun just cuz of this Test den cry le... Its only the CA2 , there's always still the end of year Exams. Juz do well for that den can le XD (Y)

Friday, August 27, 2010


OHMYGAWD. I cant believe I actually cried because of my English -.-
Aiya, crazy lah. Sure die soon.

Sentosa Is The Best~

Hahaha, some awesome fun yesterday at Siloso beach :O Spent the day bouncing in the water and getting lame cuts from hidden rocks in the ground -.-ll
We buried Kevan and gave him sand boobs :D